Northumbrian Pipers’ Society/Tyneside Fiddle Alliance – Annual Concert 2022

Northumbrian Pipers’ Society and Tyneside Fiddle AllianceAnnual Concert: Friday 21st October, 7.30 pm
This year, TFA has teamed up with the Northumbrian Pipers’ Society to bring you some fantastic performers for an evening of Northumbrian music featuring pipes, fiddles and more!
The pipers will include Robson’s Choice, Edric Ellis and the Young Pipers’ Group, and there will be a sparkling display from the High Spen Blue Diamond Rapper dancers. On the fiddle side, Stewart Hardy will be joined by Ali Say and David Jones, fellow leaders from TFA, and family members to play a few tunes in the first half. TFA will be finishing the concert with a wonderful set of tunes and arrangements.
Tickets £12.
Make sure to select the correct option for venue attendance or livestream! There’s also an option to ‘pay bit more’ when selecting your ticket(s) if you wish.